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Uploaded 6-Nov-21
Taken 6-Nov-21
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Dimensions5748 x 3771
Original file size3.6 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
NGC884 & NGC869 Double Cluster in Perseus

NGC884 & NGC869 Double Cluster in Perseus

NGC884 and NGC869 Double Cluster in Perseus - October 2021
Televue127is, ASI2600MC, A-P1100 AE Mount
IDAS LPS-2 Filter, Gain=0, B1x1
36*270s exposures - 2.7hrs
Pixinsight processed with Generalized Hyperbolic Stretching Script (part of testing parameter variation).

Stretching was done using a new Pixinsight script developed by Mike Cranfield (still in development). Took a different approach on stretching, making different compromises than in the NGC7789 images - generally less star protection in this image. Also employed 2 logarithmic stretches initially on extracted lum, then stretched the colour channels (by stretched lum/unstretched lum) using Pixelmath. This enhances star colour in the same manner as the arcsinh stretch. Again, only moderate noise reduction applied with minor saturation adjustment.

Both star clusters are very young <13 million years, containing mainly white/blue stars, creating a bright part of the Milky Way. Which cluster is which - I'll have to check the Astrobin plate-solve! They are about 7000 light-years away and but only a few hundred light years apart. Both are also blue-shifted (coming towards us).