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Uploaded 11-Dec-21
Taken 10-Dec-21
Visitors 32

193 of 239 items
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Dimensions6081 x 4041
Original file size5.26 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
NGC457 - The Owl Cluster

NGC457 - The Owl Cluster

NGC457 The Owl Cluster in Cassiopeia - October 2021
Televue127is, ASI2600MC, A-P1100 AE Mount
IDAS LPS-2 Filter, Gain=0, B1x1
28 of 42*270s exposures - 2.7hrs
Pixinsight processed with Generalized Hyperbolic Stretching Script (part of testing parameter variation).

The Owl Luster contains more than 100 stars, is about 8000 l-y distant, and forms a shape of an owl, complete with wings. Two bright stars create the "eyes" - the brighter one, 5th magnitude naked eye phi(1) is a question. If it is a member, it is one of most luminous stars known - 200,000. Or, it could be a foreground star projected onto the cluster.
It was a difficult night for photography, due to some hazy high level clouds (at least thats my story), and a lot of subframes were rejected. Processing was simple, but difficult to control the "halo" around phi(1) in particular.