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Uploaded 11-Dec-21
Taken 11-Dec-21
Visitors 47

192 of 239 items
Photo Info

Dimensions4725 x 3144
Original file size3.18 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
SH2-155 - The Cave Nebula Revisited.

SH2-155 - The Cave Nebula Revisited.

SH2-155 The Cave Nebula - July 2021
Planewave CDK12.5, ASI6200MM, A-P1100 AE Mount
Gain=0, B1x1
25 x 4(LRGB) x 210s exposures - 5.8hrs : Gain 0, B1x1
NB: 13 x 3(HOS) x 800s exposures - 8.7 hrs: Gain 100, B2x2
The Cave Nebula (and surroundings) are an active star-forming region containing all three kinds of nebula - emission, reflection and dark.

Pixinsight processed with Generalized Hyperbolic Stretching Script While I was carful with the stars in the original, the GHS script really allowed me to bring out the background nebulosity, and is just as good, if not better on the stars than version 1. Also the nebula on the RHS is not as flat, and the whole image has a more 3-D look to it.