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Uploaded 13-Dec-21
Taken 13-Dec-21
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Dimensions6183 x 4101
Original file size3.5 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
M45 - THe Pleiades and Merope Nebula.

M45 - THe Pleiades and Merope Nebula.

M45 The Pleiades and Merope Nebula - October 2021
Televue 127is, ASI2600MC, A-P1100 AE Mount
Gain=0, B1x1
35 x 360s exposures - 3.5hrs :

The last in my series of star clusters, I found it impossible to avoid halos around the stars in the Pleides despite a few attempts. I can only figure it must be caused by the dust, but can't 100% rule out clouds. This cluster is about the same age as the Double Cluster in Persues and containts hot, blue B1 stars, only this time in the middle of a dust cloud, lighting up the Merope Nebula. Note that the reflection nebulosity has nothing to do with the formation of the Pleiades starts themselves, the stars are just passin' through.
Once again, the dim nebulosity coupled with the fine stars (other than the halos) are courtesy of the GHS script.