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Uploaded 25-Dec-21
Taken 25-Dec-21
Visitors 48

190 of 239 items
Photo Info

Dimensions6569 x 4956
Original file size4.77 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
M27 - The Dumbell Planetary Nebula, v3

M27 - The Dumbell Planetary Nebula, v3

Planewave 12.5 CDK / AP 1100GTO AE / AIS6200MM / NB & LRGB
August 2021

This was the third attempt at getting the details of the Dumbell Nebula, using both narrowband and broadband images. It represents a challenge to get details within the core of the nebula, ensure that the white dwarf is showing, and finally get a clear picture of the nebula's wings (often missed in images).