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Visitors 1029
Modified 3-Feb-25
Created 22-May-21
236 photos, 1 videos

M74 GalaxySoul Nebula SimulationStar Parthenogenesis in Molecular Clouds – Soul Nebula in NarrowbandNo Fish Story....A Rotting Fish tells no tails - LDN1235 in LRGBSh2-135 - Swirls and Eddies in a Cepheus Molecular CloudHopkins&Lee Simulation of Gas & Dust in Turbulent FlowSh2-155 - The Cave Nebula's Narrowband Emissions (HSO)Sh2-155 - The Cave Nebula in Broadband ColoursPT (Phase) Diagrams of Hydrogen (Cave Nebula)The Forbidden Squid - Ou4 in HSO NarrowbandM31 - A Strange Attraction - LRGBHOSolar Activity Near Equator - HaAurora Oct 10/24 - The KaleidoscopeAurora Oct 10/24 - Straight Up!Aurora Oct 10/24 - East over Mnt. Maxwell & StraitAurora Oct 10/24 North View 2Aurora Octg10/24 North ViewAurora Oct10/24, Above DeckAuroraOct10/24 Front Yard