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Uploaded 1-Jan-22
Taken 1-Jan-22
Visitors 50

189 of 239 items
Photo Info

Dimensions6209 x 4130
Original file size6.96 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken1-Jan-22 13:31
Date modified1-Jan-22 13:46
NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula

NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula

NGC281 Pacman Nebula - October 2021
Televue 127is, ASI2600MC, A-P1100 AE Mount
NBZ Dual Narrowband Filter
Gain=100, B1x1
21 x 840s exposures - 4.9hrs :

Can't get to rusty in image processing...but I am currently running low on raw material.
This started out as a test image of the NBZ dual narrowband filter paried with the OSC ASI2600. I am fairly pleased with it; it results in a compromise between NB and RGB broadband results.
Also another test of the GHS script - wanted to see how it handled the stars.

The Pacman represents an active star forming region in the Perseus spiral arm of the galaxy and appears within Cassiopeia. It is 10,000 l-y distant. It is full of gaseous knots and provides an interesting subject. It is surrounded by dark nebula and an abundant star-field.