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Uploaded 4-Nov-21
Taken 4-Nov-21
Visitors 47

195 of 239 items
Photo Info

Dimensions5763 x 3744
Original file size5.78 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
NGC7789 Caroline's Rose Star Cluster in RGB

NGC7789 Caroline's Rose Star Cluster in RGB

NGC7789 Caroline's Star Cluster - October 2021
Televue127is, ASI2600MC, A-P1100 AE Mount
IDAS LPS-2 Filter, Gain=0, B1x1
34*270s exposures - 2.55hrs
Pixinsight processed with Generalized Hyperbolic Stretching Script (part of testing parameter variation).
Stretching was done using a new Pixinsight script developed by Mike Cranfield employing my proposed Generalized Hyperbolic Equations. Interesting trade offs between star halos and star colour.
Subject globular star cluster (yes, globular) was discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1783, who's brother also was an astronomer. Sometimes I see a rose, sometimes not.