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Uploaded 18-Apr-09
Taken 18-Apr-09
Visitors 253

157 of 181 items
Photo Info

Dimensions1024 x 768
Original file size43.4 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified18-Apr-09 10:31
Saturn with Near Edge On Rings

Saturn with Near Edge On Rings

We had a nice early evening of viewing at the VCO on April 17th. Saturn has been moving towards its 15 year edge on rings on September 4th. Seeing condiitons were only fair so this video captured view averages out the view.

My thanks to John McDonald and Alex Schmid for controlling the telescope and helping frame the object on the small video chip.

Telescope: RASC VCO Meade 14" SCT
Sensor: Imaging Source DMK31
Stacking: 255 uncompressed FITS frames registered and stacked with Registax 5
Final image processing: Adobe Photoshop CS2