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Uploaded 6-Mar-09
Taken 5-Mar-09
Visitors 255

158 of 181 items
Photo Info

Dimensions1024 x 768
Original file size513 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified6-Mar-09 00:26
Comet Lulin Near the Beehive Cluster

Comet Lulin Near the Beehive Cluster

Being a moonlit night I wasn't hopeful to have much of a view of the comet. With the help of electronic vision I was able to get my first view of the comet. It was quite pretty near the binocular cluster M44 and the 3.94 magnitude K star Asellus Australis (Delta Cancri).

Camera: Nikon D700
Sensor ISO: 800
Lens: Nikkor 85/1.8AF (cropped)
Exposure: 15 x 45 second at f/5.6
Filtered: IDAS LPS-P2
Tracked using Astrotrac TT320

Image processing using Registar for stacking; Astronomy Tools (diffraction spikes), Adobe Photoshop CS2