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Uploaded 21-Apr-09
Taken 20-Apr-09
Visitors 339

156 of 181 items
Photo Info

Dimensions1024 x 597
Original file size75.2 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified21-Apr-09 03:29
Saturn and Four Moons

Saturn and Four Moons

Inspired by the seeing at Brentwood Elementary (School Observing Program) I set up when I got home. The views of Saturn were amazing especially with the moon Titan so close to the planet. I knew imaging wasn't going to be easy given I was using the refractor with the 5x Powermate. The high magnifications required to get a decent image size makes for a dim object for video. However I was glad I tried as it is possible to do with a 4" refractor.When I stretched the image I could also make out some other moons.To make them obvious I used the Solarize filter in Photoshop. There is a moon missing,Mimas but I could see it was just on the boundary of perception. Mag 13 for the refractor was the limit given the fast exposure of the video frames.

Telescope: Televue NP101is with 5x Powermate
Sensor: Imaging Source DMK31AF03.AS
Exposure: 250 frames 157 ms Gain 7.53 Gamma 1.60
Capture Program: Lucam Recorder
Integration: Registax 5 using 250 video frames
Final Processing: Adobe Photoshop CS2