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Uploaded 7-Jul-21
Taken 24-Jul-21
Visitors 68

213 of 236 items
Photo Info

Dimensions2535 x 1764
Original file size681 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
NGC7635, Bubble Nebula in Narrowband - June 2021

NGC7635, Bubble Nebula in Narrowband - June 2021

NGC7635, Bubble Nebula in Narrowband - June 2021
Planewave C12.5, ASI6200MM, Astro-Physics 1100GTO-AE
Need to write-up
Processing help - John McDonald - thanks for your pixinsight suggestions. + others on Cloudy Nights...
Extraordinary heat wave, couldn't get camera temperature down (to dark frame level -10C)
How did Bubble Nebula form, is it really a bubble, are we seeing reflections, inside, or both.