NGC7380 - Wizard Nebula & Cluster in NB version 2
MGC7380 in Narrowband (HSO) version 2
Planewave C12.5, ASI6200MM, Astrophysic 1100GTO-AE
Less often photographed is NGC730, is the Wizard star cluster and Nebula in Cepheus. This was my effort (version 2) on trying to resolve the difference in SII and OIII data.
The starting palette was SHO (Hubble palette) but the predominance of Halpha in the image left it very green. Green was removed (SCNR) by maintaining lum, by dividing and distributing as much green as possible between red and blue, while maintaining white balance. This indeed allows the difference between SII (red) and OIII (blue) collision rich areas to come through and makes an overall more pleasing view of the nebula than version 1. However, the star colours are not right, blue/white stars are too blue, and red starts are too red. I could transfer the stars from one image to the other or correct using a star mask, but that is for another day...