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Uploaded 27-Jun-21
Taken 27-Jun-21
Visitors 60

217 of 236 items
Photo Info

Dimensions3972 x 2742
Original file size6.06 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken27-Jun-21 14:28
Date modified27-Jun-21 14:46
NGC7380 - Wizard Nebula & Cluster in NB version 1

NGC7380 - Wizard Nebula & Cluster in NB version 1

MGC7380 in Narrowband (HSO)
Planewave C12.5, ASI6200MM, Astrophysic 1100GTO-AE
Less often photographed is NGC730, is the Wizard star cluster and Nebula in Cepheus. THis was my effort (version 1) on trying to get a reasonable match on star colour using narrowband filters/data. The result is a firery appearance to the nebula due to the abudnance of hydrogen alpha and sulfurII (red photons) emitted by the nebula. The presence of OIII emission is indicated by yellow image. Often, when combining narrowband data in this way, matching true star/nebula colour is sacrificed in the name of creating a larger colour range in the nebula - arguably a prettier, but less accurate colour representation. Such an image will be the subject of my next attempt at a strictly narrowband image.