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Visitors 455
Modified 1-Jul-24
Created 5-Apr-21
220 photos

I'm an amateur astro-photographer in Brentwood Bay BC.
Hercules Galaxy ClusterNGC 5566, 5560 and 5569Messier 91Messier 95 and 96NGC 4151 "The Eye of Sauron"Leo TripletNGC 3190 GroupOrion Nebula UnfilteredMessier 1, The Crab NebulaNGC 2264 The Christmas Tree NebulaNGC 6992 The Network NebulaNGC 1333Cocoon Nebula, C19

Guestbook for Brock Johnston
Hilary Johnston(non-registered)
I am in awe not only of these astro-photos, but of the astrophotographer who made these pictures!
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