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Uploaded 1-Jul-24
Taken 25-Jun-24
Visitors 10

12 of 230 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions3402 x 3141
Original file size1.02 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date modified25-Jun-24 13:15
NGC 5566, 5560 and 5569

NGC 5566, 5560 and 5569

This triplet of interacting galaxies are really beautiful, with each having very distinct shapes. This was a very faint target and even after 6 nights there was not as much data as I would have liked.
I used a Celestron Edge HD 925 with a 0.7 reducer, an ASI 2600MC Pro. I managed to get 17 hrs 45 minutes total exposure time, with 213 x 300s subs. I processed it in SiriL, Starnet, GIMP & G'MIC.