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Visitors 166
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 9-May-16
17 photos

Mercury transited the Sun on May 9, 2016. These photos are taken from Victoria, BC, and Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Transit of MercuryTransit of MercuryTransit of Mercury across the SunTransit of Mercury across the SunTransit of Mercury across the SunTransit of Mercury across the SunTransit of Mercury across the Sun - just before 3rd ContactTransit of Mercury across the Sun - 3rd ContactSun, taken from Mt. TolmieSun and Mercury, taken through an Orion 8" DobCropped picture from the end of the Transit of MercuryThe end of the Transit of Mercury,End of the transitTransit of Mercury from VictoriaTransit of Mercury AMTransit of MercuryTransit of Mercury