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Uploaded 18-Nov-10
Taken 26-Oct-10
Visitors 115

289 of 401 items
Photo Info

Dimensions1104 x 800
Original file size393 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date taken26-Oct-10 21:31
Date modified14-Nov-10 21:15
Small Magellanic Cloud & 47 Tucanae

Small Magellanic Cloud & 47 Tucanae

The Small Magellanic Cloud is a companion galaxy to our much larger Milky Way galaxy. At a distance of some 200,000 light years, it is perhaps the most distant object visible to the unaided eye. The SMC may have been a barred galaxy at one time, but it is now an irregular and is likely being pulled apart by the Milky Way.

47 Tucanae is the largest globular cluster in the sky, and a showpiece celestial object since it appears to be about the size of the Full Moon under ideal condition. The only brighter globular cluster is Omega Centauri. Both globular clusters are only visible from the southern hemisphere.

Date/Time: October 26, 2010 9:30pm Local NZ Time

Location: Warkworth Country House B&B, Warkworth, New Zealand

Equipment: Hutech-modified Canon T2i dSLR, IDAS UIBAR-III filter, Canon EF 24-105mm L zoom operating at f/4 70mm on Manfrotto 055 tripod & medium ball head, no tracking.

Exposure: 12 x 30 seconds at ISO 1600
Conditions: Temperature 15°C, LVM 6.0, Transparency 5/5, Steadiness 5/5, clear skies

Star trailing visible, but process anyway.

ImagesPlus 3.82A: Auto process: Calibrate with dark frames, debayer at Capture white balance, Normalize, Align, Combine (Min/Max Exclude Average). Apply modest contrast stretch (BP 2000, Bkgd 1)Crop & save as 48 bit TIF

ACDSee Pro 3: Resize & save as 24 bit jpg