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Visitors 9911
Modified 28-Jan-25
Created 19-Aug-07
400 photos, 1 videos

Waning Gibbous Moon setting in the morning western skyConjunction of Mars and the Moon in the pre-dawn western skyLooking north at aurora from a local park above the cityLooking north at aurora from a local park above the cityA whole sky fisheye view of the aurora from a local park above the cityAurora Boralis with Coronae converging directly overheadAurora Boralis with Coronae converging directly overheadAurora Boralis with Coronae converging directly overheadAurora Boralis with Coronae converging directly overheadAurora Boralis with Coronae converging directly overheadAurora Boralis with Coronae converging directly overheadAurora Boralis with Coronae converging directly overheadLarge group of sunspots on the Sun - AR3664 & 3668 (lower middle) and AR3663 (lower right)My eclipse breakfast this morning, complete with eclipse cookiesEarly stage of the partially eclipsed Sun before TotalityCrescent shaped partially eclipsed Sun before TotalityVery thin crescent shaped partially eclipsed Sun before TotalityPartial eclipsed solar images underneath a deck chairTotally eclipsed Sun with plasma streamers and prominencesTotally eclipsed Sun with plasma streamers and prominences