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Uploaded 28-Jan-25
Taken 17-Dec-24
Visitors 0

2 of 401 items
Photo Info

Dimensions7773 x 5159
Original file size4.72 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date taken18-Dec-24 07:34
Date modified18-Dec-24 07:34
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeCanon
Camera modelCanon EOS R5
Focal length363 mm
Exposure1/250 at f/8
FlashNot fired
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeManual
Exposure prog.Manual
ISO speedISO 1600
Metering modePattern
Conjunction of Mars and the Moon in the pre-dawn western sky

Conjunction of Mars and the Moon in the pre-dawn western sky

Zoom in to see reddish Mars in the lower right quadrant of the frame.
3º 05' 50" separation between Mars and the 18-day old Waning Gibbous Moon.
4-frame HDR image reveals a good amount of detail on the Moon.
3000-block Jackson St
Victoria, BC Canada
2024-12-18, 7:33:33 AM