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Uploaded 19-Oct-22
Taken 19-Oct-22
Visitors 62

104 of 195 items
Photo Info

Dimensions5905 x 9390
Original file size19.7 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date taken19-Oct-22 12:16
Date modified19-Oct-22 12:24
The Foxmascone Nebulae (NGC2264) in SHO

The Foxmascone Nebulae (NGC2264) in SHO

To start, grab some eggnog and have a seat on the fur by the tree and admire the angel and the lights....
The Foxfur and Cone Nebulae and Christmas Tree Cluster in SHO with RGB Stars (Monoceros) - October, 2022
Planewave CDK12.5 - AIS6200MM
A-P 1100 GTO AE, Antlia Pro 3nm NB filters
H,S,O: (3 x 50 x 420s exposures, Bin 2, Gain 100)
R,G,B: (3 x 25 x 180s exposures, Bin 2, Gain 100) for stars
Total Integration Time = 21.2 hours
This images displays the complex distribution of ions and elements in the star forming region around the Christmas Tree Cluster, designated NGC2264 iin Monoceros. This image was taken with narrowband filters, and while the colours were enhanced for aesthetic reasons, For non AP folks, it is important to realize that the different hues are determined by the proportions of hydrogen (green) vs oxygen ions (blue) vs sulfur ions (red) doing the emmitting. In most places, a mixed bag of emissions will produce a reddy brown through gold through pale colour. The colours are not just painted on! The colour of the stars, however, were replaced by the colours from standard red, green, and blue filters and are more true to the way we would see them.
I admire the complex shapes and textures of the gases as they are thrown about by winds amd radiation from the stars they created.
It is good to be back shooting images at long focal lenghts, as well as my more recent wide field OSC images. The recent clears skies here have created a stockpile for me to process when the monsoons hit.