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Uploaded 13-Sep-22
Taken 6-Sep-06
Visitors 1

15 of 16 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions478 x 361
Original file size29 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceAdobe RGB (1998)
Date modified6-Sep-06 21:03
M42, Orion Nebula - 2006

M42, Orion Nebula - 2006

Earlier this year I took this image of M42 with the Centre's Takahashi and Meade's ill-starred Deep Space Imager, then promptly forgot about it until recently. The Tak's drive was not working properly so I simply hoped for the best. After rediscovering the image I played around with it in PixInsight LE and it began to look fairly good but nothing to write home about.