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Visitors 46
Modified 6-Feb-25
Created 4-Jan-23
294 photos, 3 videos

Astronomical photographs taken by RASC Victoria Centre members during 2023.
Melotte III coma clusterCollinder 399Cygnus Wall - July 2023ISS Flyby with the Cygnus Wall - July 2023Andromeda M31 - August 2023Western Veil Nebula - June 2023Eastern Veil Nebula - July 2023Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) - January 28, 2023IC 5070 Pelican Nebula (NGC 7000 North American Nebula) - May 2023Pleiades Open Cluster - February 2023M101 with SN2023ixf - May 25, 2023Total Annular Solar Eclipse - October 14, 2023IC 1396 - Elephant Trunk NebulaSunIC 405 - Flaming Star NebulaNGC 7822 [wide field] - Flaming Skull / Cosmic Question Mark Nebula (Foraxx Palette)