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Visitors 54
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 4-Jan-20
146 photos, 1 videos

Astronomical photographs taken by RASC Victoria Centre members during 2020.
First Quarter MoonMoonrise at Mt. TolmieCygnus WallM27 - The Dumbell NebulaOrion Nebula from City centreFull MoonQuarter Moon detailsQuarter Moon detailsQuarter Moon detailsQuarter Moon detailsQuarter Moon detailsMontage of Quarter moonOrion nebula complexMessier 45 (Sony 200-600 at 600mm)The Pleiades, the California nebula, and dustM81, M82, a comet and some IFNHeart and Soul nebula (IC 1805 and IC1848) and the Double Cluster (NGC 884 and 869)Iris nebula (NGC 7023) and the Dark Shark (LDN 1235)SH 2-274 - Medusa NebulaM13 - The Great Hercules Globular Cluster