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Uploaded 16-Aug-23
Taken 16-Aug-23
Visitors 93

9 of 11 photos
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Dimensions2334 x 2856
Original file size5.05 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Helping Hands Nebula

Helping Hands Nebula

Inspired by Dave's dive on this last summer, I decided to use it as a full night depth test. Things definitely fell apart away from the overlapping telescope fields, but this crop where they overlapped was quite nice!
This is 50x5m with my SVR90t and Canon 6D at iso 1600, 54x5m with my Canon R6MkII and 100-400mkii at f8, 67x5m with my Canon Ra and Askar FRA600 at 416mm, and 48x400s with my SBIG 8300m and Orion ED80T at 384mm.
This totals a little over 19 and a half hours of data shot in a single evening from one mount.