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Visitors 41
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 13-Aug-23
11 photos

Astronomical images from data acquired by members who attended the Island Star Party - Aug 11-13, 2023.
NGC 6914Dark sky Milky Way with aircraft flashing trail (near treeline) and two Perseid meteor trails (mid-frame and top edge)Night sky - looking north with a Perseid meteor close to the Pole Star (top right) and the Big Dipper (mid-frame) with Arcturus (left-frame in the treetops)Perseid Meteor in the Summer TrianglePerseid Meteor in the Summer TriangleSummer Triangle and the Milky WaySadr Region and NGC 6914Sadr Region and NGC 6914 (with Lum)Helping Hands NebulaSH2-129 Flying Bat NebulaFire and Flying Dragons - SH2-113,114 in HSO