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Visitors 361
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 5-Jun-12
35 photos

The Transit of Venus occurred June 5, 2012 here on the west coast of Canada between 3PM and 9PM (sunset) PDT.
2012 transit of VenusTransit of Venus 2012Transit of Venus 2012Transit of Venus Close to the Horizon 2012Transit of VenusTransit of Venus – SunsetTransit of Venus – DetailsTransit of Venus at GreatestTransit of Venus – Second ContactVenus Transit Of The SunVenus Transit Of The SunVenus Transit Of The SunTransit of Venus June 5 2012,  startContact IITransit of Venus June 5 2012Transit of Venus June 5 2012, mid transit.Transit of Venus June 5 2012 nearing the endTransit of Venus June 5 2012,  the end.Transit of Venus – First Contact

Guestbook for Transit of Venus 2012
Beth Katz(non-registered)
Splendid photos. Thank you for sharing. I like the ones of first and second contact but the composition with the trees is beautiful.
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