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Visitors 633
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 31-Jul-11
21 photos

The RASCals Star Party held July 29-31, 2011 on beautiful southern Vancouver Island. Metchosin, British Columbia, Canada. Organized by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Victoria Centre.
Camping on the field. Jim Aalders & Sherry ButtnorCamping on the field. Chris Gainor & others setting up.Camping on the fieldCamping on the fieldStephen Courtin and his astro vanLauri welcomes everyoneNelson Walker speaksFriday grand prize winnersDr. Rita Mann presentsSherry & Nelson draw prizesJohn McDonald talks about traveling and astronomyLauri wins the grand prize for Friday eveningThe crowd awaits the evening's presentationsNelson describes the kid's essay prizeDr. John Blakeslee presentsThe Field on Friday EveningStephen Courtin's Astro VanThe Field on Friday Evening 2Nelson Walker draws prizesBrenda Stuart, David Lee, Chuck Filtness