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Visitors 144
Modified 18-Sep-23
Created 27-Sep-19
43 photos

Held September 27-29, 2019 at St. Stephen's Church, Saanichton, BC, Canada
Chris Gainor - Canada's Contributions to Apollo (missions)Chris Gainor - Canada's Contributions to Apollo (missions)The start of our Star Party weekend....a major deluge this afternoon has a RIVER running through our field and parking lot!Cameron, Lisa, Wendy, Sid & telescopesWendy, Sid and Miles on the observing fieldWendy, Sid and Miles on the observing fieldSid, Dave R, Wendy, Miles and Dave on the observing fieldDiane and Wendy on the observing fieldDiane, Wendy, Nelson and Dave on the observing fieldAttendees lined up for StarBBQ ticketsJoe and Bruce on the observing fieldAerial of the observing field mid-afternoonBlackberriesAerial of the parking lot and observing fieldThe observing field mid-afternoonKendrick astronomy observer's tent demo by RegStarBBQ cooks - Chris, Cameron & LisaStarBBQ hosts Diane & Deb, with cooks Reg, Cameraon & LisaEveryone enjoying their StarBBQ burgers and fixingsThe Field on Saturday