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Visitors 169
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 28-Jul-17
31 photos

Held at the Metchosin Cricket Field near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
July 28-30, 2017
Observing the Sun in HaTelescopes and campers on the observing fieldMotorhomes on the observing fieldTelescopes and campers on the observing fieldTalking telescopes on the observing fieldChris Purse welcomes the crowdChris Gainor gives out draw ticketsChris Purse awards the grand prize Skywatcher telescopeChris Purse awards the travel solar telescope to Chris GainorChris Purse introduces  Elizabeth GriffinElizabeth Griffin talking about small dataElizabeth Griffin showing big data with Diane BellCampers on the observing field at duskOverflow crowd at Elizabeth Griffin's presentationSolar Eclipse presentation by Michael WebbTelescopes and campers on the observing fieldThe crowd attending the evening prize drawsThe crowd attending the evening prize drawsChris awards the grand prize telescope to a lucky winnerHenry Ngo's exoplanet presentation