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Visitors 322
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 21-Aug-15
30 photos

RASC Victoria Centre's annual star party held in Metchosin, near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on August 21-23. 2015.
RASCals Star Party sign by Metchosin fire hallPeople on the observing field at sunsetChris Gainor on the fieldObserving from the field at duskAttendees await the door prize drawBinoculars are the grand prize for the nightTwilight over Juan de Fuca StraitThe Moon over the observing fieldDr. Chris Gainor talks about the Hubble Space TelescopeCanada Geese flying in formation past the MoonRascals Star PartyRascals Star PartyRascals Star PartyMetchosin Firehall cat roams the star partyRascals Star PartyDavid Lee talking about Astronomy appsRascals Star PartyThe observing fieldThe observing fieldDoor prize tickets being drawn