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Visitors 228
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 9-Oct-09
13 photos

The NASA LCROSS mission is to find water on the Moon. To that end, NASA purposely crashed two space vehicles into a crater on the south pole of the Moon on October 9, 2009, causing a plume to be ejected. Analysis of this plume should determine if water exists in this area. Amateur astronomers were encouraged to observe this event, since there was a possibility of seeing the plume through larger telescopes. This page documents Victoria Centre members as they attempted to see this event from our observatory.
Sid and David watch the area of interestVictoria Centre gear is all aimed at the MoonVictoria Centre gear is all aimed at the MoonLCROSS crash site areaLCROSS crash site areaDavid, Charles & Steve wait with anticipationSherry checks the NASA website while Charles waitsSid and David discussing the technicalities of video-imaging the LCROSS impactThe RASC-Victoria's 14" Meade and ancilliary optics trained on the Moon for LCROSSMonitoring NASA LCROSS updates inside the VCOThe business end of the RASC-Victoria's 14" MeadeOutside the VCO on LCROSS morningLCROSS Impact Site