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Visitors 410
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 14-Nov-10
26 photos

November, 13, 2010- Victoria Centre Annual General Meeting held at the Cedar Hill Golf Course, Victoria, BC, Canada
Mark Wheen & Mary-Clare CarderMalcolm ScrimgerAlex Schmid, Stephanie Côté, Dave Bennett & his wifeNazim Acar & Bill WeirJoe Carr, John McDonald, Al Wickheim & his wife LauraJocelyne Lecompte & Diane BellChris Purse & his wifeLauri Roche addresses the audienceA rapt group listens to the guest speakerLauri Roche thanks our speaker Stephanie CôtéJohn McDonald delivers his President's messageNelson Walker delivers the Secretary's reportLi-Ann Skibo delivers the Treasurer's reportChris Gainor delivers the National Rep's reportLauri Roche presents a Volunteer Appreciation Certificate to Mark BohlmanDavid Lee presents the Excellence in Astrophotography award to John McDonaldLauri Roche presents the Newton-Ball Award to Chris GainorLauri Roche presents the Newton-Ball Award to Chris GainorLauri Roche presents the Newton-Ball Award to Chris GainorLauri Roche presents a Certificate of Appreciation to John McDonald