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Uploaded 31-May-20
Taken 31-May-20
Visitors 103

20 of 56 items
Photo Info

Dimensions1082 x 1082
Original file size61.1 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date modified31-May-20 16:37
Venus Crescent Waning

Venus Crescent Waning

Venus crescent taken over a 38 day period shows the thinning and increasing size as the planet moves toward inferior conjunction when it is closest to earth.
Dates - April 18 to May 25, 2020.
Location, Ross Place, Victoria BC
ZWO ASI120MM-s camera with 2.5x Barlow on Williams Optics 105mm for effective focal lenght of 1785mm. Red and IR filters used for images taken at lower elevations.
Best 15 to 20% of 1000 to 2000 video frames taken at over 100fps with SharpCap and processed in Astrostakkert, ACR and Photoshop.