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Uploaded 15-Apr-09
Taken 15-Apr-09
Visitors 282

148 of 191 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions2480 x 2336
Original file size553 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified16-Apr-09 00:07
Supernova 2009dd in NGC4088

Supernova 2009dd in NGC4088

One Little White Dot

On the morning of Apr. 15/09 I read a report announcing a new supernova had been discovered in the galaxy NGC 4088 in Ursa Major. Happily the weather cooperated an on that same evening I was able to observe and sketch the galaxy with the supernova. The SN is the Little White Dot at almost the very centre of the galaxy.

I was using my f/5 317mm dobsonian at a magnification of approximately 180X. The FOV of the sketch is approximately 0.45º. The SN was still relatively easy to see at just 100X. The small galaxy at the bottom of the FOV is NGC 4085

I gave it a shot with my 6" dob and was just able to catch fleeting glimpses of it at 240-300X magnification.