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Uploaded 11-Nov-10
Taken 11-Nov-10
Visitors 222

11 of 13 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions1500 x 1500
Original file size424 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified11-Nov-10 13:33
Southern sky star trails

Southern sky star trails

Star trails made from fish eye images of the southern sky.
Date and Location - 2010-11-01 at Lake Okareka, New Zealand.
Conditions - 22 deg C with scattered clouds moving through.
Equipment - Tripod mounted Canon T1i camera with home made 4.2mm fish eye lens
Exposure - 82 light frames at 30s ea., f/5.6 and ISO 3200.
Processing in Startrails and Photoshop