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Uploaded 6-Jul-16
Taken 7-Nov-17
Visitors 187

21 of 147 items
Photo Info

Dimensions538 x 381
Original file size103 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified7-Nov-17 10:13
Solar Prominences

Solar Prominences

Some large prominences and striking surface detail on the sun. Details 2016-07-06 from backyard in Victoria BC Clear sky with no wind. ZWO ASI120S Monochrome camera and Lunt 60mm scope with 50mm double stack filter on Celestron Advanced VX mount. Four video sequences were taken with varying exposure to capture prominences and surface detail. For the surface, the best 400 of 2000 frames in Autostakkert for each and combined the results were further processed and inverted in photoshop. The prominences were obtained from the best 200 of 2000 frames and processed separately in Astrostakkert and Photoshop.