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Uploaded 6-Sep-10
Taken 6-Sep-10
Visitors 146

3 of 5 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions1500 x 1000
Original file size438 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified6-Sep-10 08:40


Image of M22, the other great globular cluster (along with M13) in the northern sky. It was taken in very dark skies at the Island Star Party.
2010-09-04 at the Island Star Party - Bright Angel Park, Vancouver Island.
Conditions - clear and very dark, Moist and 10 deg C.
Equipment - WO 105mm refractor with modifed Canon T1i camera on HEQ5 mount.
Exposure - 33 - 1min lights at ISO 800 with darks and flats used for calibration.
Processing in Images Plus and Photoshop.