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Visitors 210
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 21-Aug-16
42 photos

Photos taken at RASC Victoria Observing Nights in the summer of 2016
2016-05-28 20.14.26 copyPopcorn Booth2016-05-28 20.28.02 copy2016-05-28 20.32.09 copy2016-07-16 20.22.57 copyBen Dorman explains telescopeL-G Judith Guichon visits DAOL-G Judith Guichon views telescopesL-G Judith Guichon & Chuck FiltnessDan Posey explains telescopeDSC_0407DSC_0409DSC_0410DSC_0411DSC_0412DSC_0413DSC_0414DSC_0415DSC_0417DSC_0418