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Visitors 333
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 14-Apr-13
20 photos

Astronomy Day at the Royal BC Museum, Victoria, BC, Canada
Ask the AstronomerDr. JJ Kavelaars answers a questionBurning pencil solar demoCedar Hill SchoolCowichan Valley StarfindersDavid Griffiths & Sid Sidhu share a laughJoe Carr explains astrophotographyRoy Watson demonstrates size differences between telescopesOur President Scott Mair talks to the mediaJoe Carr & Mark Wheen observing the Sun through Guy Walton's refractorSolar observing using a projected image of the Sun from a telescopeStephen Courtin showing his ecliptic map, which will eventually wrap around his VW vanMatthew Watson & Colin Wyatt explain telescope makingThe Wizard presents the kids' telescope prize to our lucky winnerThe Wizard keeps 'em enthralled with his astronomical storiesThe kids' activity table - Lori Roche (centre - white jersey)The Astronomy Wizard visits the kids' activity tableDavid Lee explains about astrophotographyDavid Griffiths explains about Hydrogen-alpha solar filtersDavid Griffiths shows a Pearson College student how the Meade LPI webcam worksSandy Barta shares her enthusiasm for making telescopes