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Visitors 200
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 16-Nov-08
19 photos

AGM Dinner Photo 1AGM Dinner Photo 2AGM Dinner Photo 3AGM Dinner Photo 4AGM Dinner Photo 5AGM Dinner Photo 6AGM Dinner Photo 7John McDonald & Dr. WallSid Sidhu Introduces SpeakerDr. Jasper Wall Speaks on "Life at the Top"Sid Presents RASC T-Shirt to Dr. WallLi-Ann Skibo Presents Secretary's ReportChris Gainor Presents National Representative ReportVolunteer Award for RASCaL Star Party - Nelson WalkerExcellence in Astrophotography - Guy WaltonDavid Lee Presents Newton-Ball Award to Joe CarrJoe Carr in Audience During Newton-Ball CitationNewton-Ball Award 2008 - Joe CarrDoor Prizes