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Uploaded 13-Aug-22
Taken 13-Aug-22
Visitors 30

15 of 863 items
Photo Info

Dimensions3524 x 2372
Original file size876 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date modified13-Aug-22 20:57
Omega Centauri

Omega Centauri

The image was captured by a Diane Bell at Garry Sedun's SDG obsrvatory in Arizona and recently reprocessed by John McDonald. It has been speculated that Omega Centauri is the core of a dwarf galaxy that was disrupted and absorbed by the Milky Way. It is the largest-known globular cluster in the Milky Way at a diameter of roughly 150 light-years. It is estimated to contain approximately 10 million stars, and a total mass equivalent to 4 million solar masses.

25" scope with paracore and Nikon D800 camera.
used 19 of 30 subs exposed for 50 seconds at ISO 2500.
No flats or darks were obtained.
Processing in Pixinsite and Photoshop.