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Uploaded 13-May-17
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Dimensions1920 x 1080
Original file size9.24 MB
Image typeUnknown

Meteor train

On Dec. 14 the Geminid meteor shower produced a very bright meteor as I was getting set up for some imaging. I had started a test exposure on the Orion region when the sky lit up with a very bright flash. I did not see the meteor directly but my camera did catch part of the trail and I continued to take 2 min exposures after the flash catching an impressive luminous patch (technically a meteor "train") that evolved and gradually dissapated.
Details -
There were a total of 15 - 2 min raw format exposures. The first exposure was at 6:26 UTC and the flash occurred during it. There was a 6 min gap before the second exposure (the one with the bright plume) at 6:32 UTC and the rest followed at 122 second intervals. The last image was at 7:00 UTC so the total time period was 34 min and the time interval for the plume images was 28 min.
The meteor trail was also captured by a nearby all sky camera - see