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Uploaded 20-Aug-23
Taken 20-Aug-23
Visitors 31

6 of 863 items
Photo Info

Dimensions9358 x 6158
Original file size2.42 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified20-Aug-23 20:27
ARP 188

ARP 188

Arp 188 or UGC 10214 is a disrupted barred spiral galaxy located 420 million light-years from Earth in the northern constellation Draco.
Details- Data by David Payne
Telescope: Planewave Corrected Dahl Kirkham, 12.5 in., f/8
Mount: Astro-Physics 1100 GTO with A. Encoders
Camera: ZWO ASI6200MM Pro (same sensor as at the VCO – Sony IMX4XX)
Filters: Antlia Pro Narrowband and 3.5nm Ha
Frames: R,G,B: 16,15,19 x 180 seconds, 180s exposures, Gain=100
L: 28 x 150 seconds,Gain 100
H: 23 x 510 seconds, Gain 100
Rejects: 1B, 8G, 5H, 4R
Taken on nights of June 25 and 26th, 2023.
Processing by WJM using Pixinsite and Photoshop.