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Visitors 312
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 9-Mar-10
17 photos

A big thank you to all our volunteers who dedicated so much of their time to helping Victorians celebrate International Year of Astronomy during 2009. A special thank you to their families, who sacrificed personal time with their loved ones.
Brenda Stuart, David Lee, Miles & Dorothy PaulNatasha van Bentum & Jim HesserLauri Roche, Dave & Susan BennettMark Wheen's son learns about meteorites from Eric ChisholmThe audience - Geoff Jones, John McDonald, Chris & Audrey Gainor in foregroundThe audience - James deFrancesca & family in middle row leftJim HesserSusan Bennett wins an IYA t-shirtGreg Higgs wins an IYA t-shirtNelson Walker wins an IYA t-shirtBrenda Stuart wins an IYA t-shirtPearson College student wins an IYA t-shirtIYA Volunteers cakeJohn McDonald and Jim Hesser cut the IYA cakeSherry, Sid, and LiAnnJohn McDonald and Jim HesserJim Hesser cutting the cake