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Visitors 488
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 18-Jan-10
163 photos

A collection of all photos taken at events staged by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada to celebrate International Year of Astronomy 2009.
IYA Launch at Mayfair MallIYA Launch at University HeightsIYA Launch at Tillicum Mall 1IYA Launch at Tillicum Mall 2IYA Launch at Tillicum Mall 3IYA Launch at Tillicum Mall 4IYA Launch at Hotel Grand PacificWestShore Launch 1WestShore Launch 2University Heights Mall on Jan 10 launchUniversity Heights Mall on Jan 10 launchUniversity Heights Mall on Jan 10 launchIYA Launch at Mayfair MallIYA Launch at Mayfair MallIYA at the Hotel Grand PacificIYA launch at IYA at the Hotel Grand PacificIYA FETTU setup at the Bay Centre on Feb 1/09John, Sherry and Chris with IYA Proclamation