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Visitors 132
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 6-Aug-13
11 photos

This star party was held Aug 2-4, 2013 at Bright Angel Park, beside the Koksilah River in the Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The ISP was hosted by the Cowichan Valley Starfinders
A few people arrive for FridayGalactic JamOwl presentation by Jacob RobilliardGenevieve Singleton leads the nature walkPileated Woodpecker on a rotting treeTerry crossing the suspension bridgeGreater Yellowlegs Sandpiper on the Koksilah RiverSpider on its web under the forest canopyBanana SlugChestnut-backed ChickadeeBridge over the Koksilah River

Guestbook for Island Star Party 2013
John McDonald(non-registered)
Great Photos Joe. Makes me sorry I had to miss this event.
The guestbook is empty.