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Uploaded 15-Oct-23
Taken 15-Oct-23
Visitors 76

15 of 180 items
Photo Info

Dimensions2420 x 1570
Original file size1.49 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified15-Oct-23 23:54
Colourized Version of Partial Solar Eclipse October 24 2023

Colourized Version of Partial Solar Eclipse October 24 2023

Baader Astrosolar Film which was used to image this project produces a blue white image of the Sun. Some assert that this is actually the correct colour of the Sun. Actually the atmosphere can quite readily distort this.

Other filters such as Thousand Oaks Solarlite film produce solar images as yellow or yellow-orange.

I used Adobe Photoshop to blend a layer with this yellow colour with the capture image to produce this colourized version.