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Uploaded 20-Oct-24
Taken 20-Oct-24
Visitors 54

5 of 181 items
Photo Info

Dimensions2540 x 2634
Original file size2.11 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified21-Oct-24 00:58
C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) at Mount Tolmie October 20 2024

C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) at Mount Tolmie October 20 2024

On the way to Mount Tolmie tonight I was optimistic that I would be able to image the comet against a more contrasty background sky. When I arrived I could see Venus at the horizon line. As stars appeared it was relatively easy to find the comet, at least by taking test shots through the camera.

The comet is well positioned within Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer. You can see Kappa and Iota Ophiuchi near the top right of the frame. Again the poor transparency created halos around these bright stars like the 17th.

At first I was able to acquire and image around 50 images but this was culled down to 22 due to 2 massive clouds.

Camera: Nikon Z5
Lens: Z 85/1.8
Sensor ISO: 1600
Exposure: 2 sec at f/3.5
Processing: Pixinsight 22 images were selected and aligned on the comet nucleus, stacked and integrated. Final tonal adjustments using Adobe Photoshop CC 2025; Topaz Photo AI DeNoise on the cropped integration.