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Uploaded 27-Apr-09
Taken 26-Apr-09
Visitors 360

153 of 181 items
Photo Info

Dimensions1024 x 734
Original file size118 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken26-Apr-09 21:09
Date modified26-Apr-09 23:54
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelNIKON D700
Focal length105 mm
Focal length (35mm)105 mm
Max lens aperturef/1
Exposure1/15 at f/2.5
FlashNot fired
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeManual
Exposure prog.Manual
ISO speedISO 1250
Metering modePattern
Digital zoom1x
Alien Crescent Moon

Alien Crescent Moon

Last night I set out to capture a lunar conjunction of the Pleiades and Mercury. My destination was Ogden Point which I knew had a westerly view. The clouds following me on the last few outings were there of course. Being the optimistic astronomer I waited for the beautiful Crescent Moon we've been observing. It appeared through cloud at first and eventually in a clear sky. The Pleiades and Mercury I saw only through cloud but I did see them. It was probably not the best spot given the urban setting. At the end of the imaging session I ended up with a conjunction of a more "urban" nature.

Camera: Nikon D700
Telescope: Televue Pronto with .80 reducer
Exposures: 1/30 at ISO 200 and 1/15 at ISO 1250 (Crescent Moon)